A Tale of Two Partners

On a recent Saturday morning, one partner hung drywall in the brewery. Another effed around. OK, it just looks like effing around. I’m starting final assembly on the grant fountain; today I installed the water manifold in its final position.… Continue Reading…

Custom Shadow Box

The mechanical contractor had a 48″ brake on site, and some leftover 26 ga. sheet, so I took advantage. I don’t expect to win Tin Knocker of the Year, but it should do the job.

Critical Infrastructure

OK, not exactly, but I finally constructed a throne of brick for our grant-fountain. Behold: There will be access doors in the two openings, and all of the ‘works’ need to be installed before final enclosure and trimming. While not… Continue Reading…

The Answer, My Friend

Remember this guy? It is as if he just don’t care…

Bringing History To Life

Apologies for the cliche, but in my defense, I’m misusing it anyway. About 2 years ago, our friend Susan forwarded us an email from Matt Becker, of Brewery Becker in Brighton (My comments bolded): Fwd: [AABG] Anyone want some stuff?… Continue Reading…

What Have These Guys Been Doing?

Hola, amigos, I know it’s been a while since I rapped at ya… (1 Brownie point for those who recognize the reference) So what the *!@#?!!’s been happening? Well. Lots of wrangling over the final plans for submittal to the… Continue Reading…


This is Perry. Remember how all my gadgets have names? This is a peristaltic pump unit, Perry for short, that I put together for unattendish* yeast collection from the fermenters at Kickstand Brewing Co, where I used to make beer.… Continue Reading…

Who Wants A Puppy?

Who doesn’t? We decided quite some time ago that we wanted to have a puppy cannon in our taproom. Now, of course it can’t shoot real puppies, but we thought stuffed puppies would still be welcomed by most. Q: WHAAAAT?… Continue Reading…

Tinkertoy Time!

Yesterday, I shuffled the brewhouse components into rough position to figure out some of the plumbing I’ll be doing. Externally, that’s cold and hot water feeds. On the cold side I’ll be including a CLT inlet connection, which will let… Continue Reading…

Audrey’s Shaping Up

By fits and starts, in between all the demolition work, I’ve smoothed Audrey’s operation to a fairly functional state. I’m sure that once we’ve done a couple of brews together there will be some tweaks, but she should be helpful… Continue Reading…