A Tale of Two Partners

On a recent Saturday morning, one partner hung drywall in the brewery. Another effed around. OK, it just looks like effing around. I’m starting final assembly on the grant fountain; today I installed the water manifold in its final position.… Continue Reading…

Fire Department Connection

With personality!

The Answer, My Friend

Remember this guy? It is as if he just don’t care…

What’s Going On

Not much visible progress of late, but we’ve been finalizing the remaining details for interior work and should be submitting for permits soon. Then we’ll be firing up the concrete saw and getting busy on pipe trenching and stairwell cutting.… Continue Reading…

The Mad Scientist is *IN*

Every good mad scientist agrees on the importance of the Jacob’s Ladder to the creative process. Maybe it’s the whiff of ozone in the air, or the exilharating zzzzip! sound. The blinking arrow that seems to be pointing out our… Continue Reading…

Highway Star, Part 2

Since our three-wheel truck is finally legal to drive, we’ve taken it out for a few jaunts, and following each I’ve fixed some newly broken thing(s). As of now, the cooling system leaks no more, the engine doesn’t randomly shut… Continue Reading…

Highway Star

Actually, we try to minimize highway travel in this baby; staying under 35 keeps the excitement level tolerable. We’re finally street legal, so keep your eyes peeled for the most comically configured beer delivery vehicle in Detroit.

Who Wants A Puppy?

Who doesn’t? We decided quite some time ago that we wanted to have a puppy cannon in our taproom. Now, of course it can’t shoot real puppies, but we thought stuffed puppies would still be welcomed by most. Q: WHAAAAT?… Continue Reading…

A Piece of Brewing History

We have acquired a piece of brewing equipment that we have no use for in the brewery, as it is from a much larger system than ours. It is, however, a beautiful object in its own right, and will become… Continue Reading…