A Piece of Brewing History
August 10, 2021
We have acquired a piece of brewing equipment that we have no use for in the brewery, as it is from a much larger system than ours. It is, however, a beautiful object in its own right, and will become part of our decor. Behold:

It’s not some weird wall sink from an 1800s locker room; this is a grant. Wort from the lauter tun flows through the taps into the trough via gravity from different drain points in the bottom of the tun. The brewer can adjust each tap as necessary to ensure even flow throughout the mash. Wort is pumped from the grant, as it fills, to the brew kettle. But this is not just any grant- this is the grant from the Celis Brewery, the Austin brewery founded by Pierre Celis in the 90s. Even if you don’t know the name, you know the beer style he is responsible for reviving, witbier, and Hoegaarden Wit, which he first produced in the 60s. We are looking to wall mount this iconic vessel, and turn it into a decorative fountain.